Chatham Public School

Strive To Excel

Telephone02 6551 1081

Wellbeing and Health In-Reach Nurse (WHIN)

Well-being and Health In-Reach Nurse (WHIN) Coordinator, Christine Wernicke.

Ms Wernicke is a registered nurse who will be working across our school, with our learning and support team, to help connect students and families with health and community services.

Ms Wernicke is here to help support students and families in addressing health needs, coordinate appropriate assessments and assist with referrals to any needed medical or social services.

The role is a shared one with other schools, including Chatham High School.

Ms Wernicke will be available at Chatham Public School when required. If you would like to speak to Ms Wernicke, or any other member of our learning and support / well-being team, please contact our school office on 6551 1081 and a referral will be made.

This isn’t a first aid position. Ms Wernicke is employed by the Local Health District and is one of around 100 similar roles which are being introduced in schools across NSW in a partnership between NSW Health and the Department of Education. Please visit the Wellbeing and Health In-reach Nurse (WHIN) Coordinator Program website for more details